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Sleeping girl
Oil on canvas, cm 75x56
Conversàno, MUSeCo Polo Museale
Probably made in eighties of ninenteenth century, it is certainly one of the most beautiful painting by Francesco Netti. It’s an intense representation, focused on the particular of the sleeping girl. The composition, at first glance natural, is well studied and precious: the original cut is well linked to an unusual range of colors, dominated by white and blue, thanks to which Netti creates matches in some details (how the blue of the curtain is taken up in the ribbon of the laced nightgown). The theme of the sleepy girl, the reclining head on the side with a slightly open mouth and the background, accompanied here by a blue curtain that allows a glimpse of an oriental decorative texture, make the picture fit into the context of The Nap. In this case, Netti doesn’t seem to neglect his beloved reference, Courbet. Think of The sleeping spinner of 1853.