Saturday 27 May at 18.00 in the atrium of the marquis Palazzo Caracciolo Carafa in Santeramo there will be the presentation of the catalog of the painting exhibition FRANCESCO NETTI-Ritorno a Santeramo. During the evening, honorary citizenship will also be conferred on Prof. Christine Farese Sperken, a distinguished scholar of the figure of Francesco Netti, for having contributed with her scientific research and dissemination activity to rediscovering and enhancing the figure and the work artistry of the painter, art critic and intellectual from Santeramo. Christine Farese Sperken, former professor of contemporary art history at the University of Bari, is the author of numerous essays and books on painting and sculpture from the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, including the catalog Netti, Electa 1996. The Mayor Vincenzo Luciano Casone, the Councilor for Culture Gabriele Cecca and the President of the Municipal Council Nunzio Digregorio will take part in the ceremony. The catalog of the exhibition, which inaugurated the new Pinacoteca di Santeramo, will be presented by Ubaldo Fraccalvieri and Luciano Rampino. The work was edited and edited by APS Francesco Netti, with the scientific advice of Prof. Christine Sperken. Meanwhile, the exhibition of paintings by the painter Francesco Netti continues to register a large number of citizens and visitors from all over the Region, as well as Italian and foreign tourists: a reason for satisfaction for those who have given their contribution to the realization of the cultural event .
Francesco Netti's work "La carnevalata dei cocchieri" after exactly 70 years will be exhibited from 29 April to 18 June in Santeramo on the occasion of the opening of the Pinacoteca dedicated to the artist.
Coming from a French collection, formerly in the La Rocca collection, the work has not been exhibited for 70 years. His last exhibition dates back to 1953 in the exhibition "Art in the life of southern Italy" at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome.
Francesco Netti Art Gallery Inauguration Event - 29 April 2023
At 17:00 on 7 April 2023, the presentation of the project "Pinacoteca Netti" - Return to Santeramo was held in the council chamber of Palazzo di Città, organized by the municipal administration and the APS "Francesco Netti".
The cultural project foresees the inauguration of the Pinacoteca Netti on April 29th and will host some of the major works of the Santermano artist born and died in Santeramo in Colle (December 24th 1832 - August 28th 1894), painter and scholar, pupil of Bonolis, DeNaples and DeVivo
In recent years the phenomenon of Street Art is spreading more and more.
It is a powerful tool that can be used to redevelop degraded neighborhoods which, thanks to the murals, even become destinations for tourist tours, or as (and above all) means of social denunciation (the most striking case is that of Banksy) or simply as a sign fixed on the wall of the artist's passage.
It can be used by everyone, without any impediment due to entrances, invitations, tickets, etc. it does not need museum organizations, curators, critics.
It is of great impact thanks to its size and therefore visible from a distance, even passing by car or motorbike.
In Santeramo, a mural inspired by Francesco Netti's unfinished work “La messe”, oil on canvas, 1894, cm. 195x283, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.
A beautiful evening spent with Mayor Vincenzo Casone and great lovers of our Francesco Netti. The art historian, Christine Farese Sparken, the young historian and researcher, Sara Cenatiempo, the artist Francesco Arena and the representatives of Arci "Stand by Santeramo" and the APS Francesco Netti association.
A packed hall testified to the great esteem for the Santermano artist and was also an opportunity to represent major projects.